K Space Inn Owen is a hostel in a good neighborhood, which is located at Farrer Park. The hostel is located only 0.36km away from Farrer Park MRT Station. K Space Inn Owen is highly recommended for backpackers who want to get an affordable stay yet comfortable at the same time. If you plan to have a long-term stay, staying at K Space Inn Owen is the good choice for you. Providing a wide range of facilities and great service quality, this accommodation certainly makes you feel at home.
K Space Inn Owen is a hostel in a good neighbourhood, which is located at Farrer Park.
The shared dormitory are well equipped with air-conditioning and privacy curtain.
The shared dormitory are well equipped with air-conditioning and privacy curtain.
The shared dormitory are well equipped with air-conditioning and privacy curtain.
The shared dormitory are well equipped with air-conditioning and privacy curtain.
Bus: 141; Farrer Pk Stn Exit D (3-min walk)
MRT: Farrer Park (4-min walk)
Prices start at: $100 per night
Prices start at: $110 per night
Prices start at: $52.80 per night
Prices start at: $50 per night
Prices start at: $45 per night
Prices start at: $80 per night
Prices start at: $80 per night
Prices start at: $95 per night
Prices start at: $95 per night
Prices start at: $35 per night
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